
18 Sept 2011

How to Pick the Best Newsletter Subject Line

Picking the best newsletter subject line is an important decision, since a poorly written title will quickly dissuade a potential customer from reading any further.  There are a few ideas to keep in mind that will increase the chances a customer will not only be caught by your newsletter’s title, but will remain riveted and read what you have to offer.  This will lead to more sales and may lead to word of mouth advertising or links through other’s blogs and forums.

Grabbing and holding the reader’s attention with the newsletter subject line requires a couple of key elements.  If you are offering something, make sure the offer itself leaps off the page.  Avoid generic titles when you announce something new.  Make it specific so that the reader knows exactly what is being offered.  Also, try to make it personal.  If its part of an email response, for example, address it to them with words like, “This is offer is just for you”.  Try to make the reader feel like the newsletter was written just for them.

The next thing to consider is the format you’re using.  A title with fewer words is better than one with larger ones because that allows you to use an eye catching font size.  Although you may want to avoid using colors or distracting fonts, the message of the newsletter subject line may be emphasized, depending on what you’re offering.  Bold type can emphasize a sale, for example.  The best key for a great newsletter subject line is to avoid bragging or boasting, and don’t make empty promises.  Make the title stand out but don’t make it gaudy.  The reader should always be enticed to read, never put off by format or wording.

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